Orders for exchange of products must be made within a maximum of 14 days after receipt. For this purpose, you should use the exchange form available on the dedicated page here. You must fill in all the information requested on the form.
The value must always be equal to or greater than the value of the product originally purchased.
After receiving the information, Hopiness will confirm the availability of stock and validate the exchange.
The new product will be shipped by carrier at no additional cost, except in situations where the exchange takes place more than once.
At the time of delivery of the new product, at the address indicated on the exchange form, you must deliver to the carrier, the product of the previous purchase, otherwise the new product will not be delivered and you will have to perform the return procedure.
If the product appears with evidence of use (excluding to try it) we will not accept the exchange.
The product you wish to return must arrive at our office within a maximum of 14 days after receipt. To proceed with the return you must fill out the available return form by clicking on this link.
The product to be returned must be shipped to:
AC: Joana Filipa Vaza
Rua dos Junqueiros nº6,
2560-122 Torres Vedras
We do not offer free returns or prepaid labels. You will receive a refund of the amount of your purchase without shipping costs included once the product has been returned in its original condition.
If the product appears to be evidence of use (excluding to try it) we will not accept the return. The product will be returned to the customer without any notice.
General Information
HOPINESS is not responsible for products lost by mail or customs, so keep your tracking information.
Together with the parts always send us your receipt and order number. If a returned item is shipped outside the European Union, please mark the order as “RETURNED GOODS” to avoid customs costs. We are not responsible for any fees imposed on orders that are returned to us by customs.
After we have received the parts, allow between 1-7 days to receive refund, without the shipping costs included. The return will be made through the same payment method that was used in the initial purchase.
Right of Free Resolving of the Contract
Please click here to see our Terms & Conditions page at point 8.2, where you will have the full information.