My relationship with my body hasn’t always been pretty.
All my life I knew myself as a chubby girl, I became a plump teenager and then it stopped. It didn’t stop because my body wanted it to. It stopped because my head betrayed me and I ended up
Letting myself be carried away by an endless number of insecurities and prejudices that led me to a spiral of diets, medications and miraculous solutions that never worked. I ended up taking what for me was the easiest way, to stop eating. My late adolescence and early adulthood began with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. There were years of struggle, years of suffering, years of
I want to leave and my head won’t let me, years of therapy and a hospitalization in between. In 2006 my life changed, I met a person who valued me, who showed me how much I was beyond
a body. A person who did for me what I couldn’t do on my own. It took me that push to realize that my life was worth so much more than any outside opinion. I realized I needed it
liking me, before I can like anyone. The road has been long, but it has been done. Over the years, I began to not care about anyone else’s opinion and to give it the value it really took
Had. None. I noticed that my confidence grew as I accepted myself. As time went by, I learned to like myself and today, at 37, I like myself much more than I did when I was 20. Today
I understand all the weaknesses I had, I understand why I had to go through them, but most of all, I know that I had to go through that process to become the person I am today. Could it be easier?
Of course. Would it have the same effect? Possibly not.
Just as there are beautiful days, there are also sad days. That mood goes through us and that’s okay. Days when we feel more beautiful… others less so. Days when we are confident… others less so. But
Realize that at the end of the day, what matters is to be okay with ourselves, to accept that we are not perfect. If you think I should do something for myself on an aesthetic level, “let’s do it”. But always think
that we do it for us. That we do it to somehow feel better and cultivate our self-love. Nothing else matters.
The subject here is us. Always us!